2019/12/13 09:00-2019/12/13 12:00
Endvideo replay
Time:2019.12.13 09:00-12:00
- A German new generation of wide bandgap semiconductor manufacturing technology
- A Swiss collision-resistant drones for complex environments
- An Israeli interior navigation solution based on GPS
- A 3D Airborne imaging system from Hong Kong, China
- A Malaysian ground deformation monitoring system based on radar system
- Five-dimensional and high-speed living cell imaging system from Hong Kong, China
- A Russian convenient intelligent hardware device for personal health monitoring
- An Israeli high performance machine vision solutions
- A Russian new generation of video codec technology
- A South Korean immersive oral English practice system based on VR and machine learning
- A German mobile game data annotation application for finance
- A Russian mental health and brain health systems based on eeg analysis
- A German high precision parking space prediction system based on artificial intelligence
- A South Korean smart oral disease self-diagnosis mobile application
- An American AI-based architecture data recognition and analysis technology
- A Swiss new treatments for drug-resistant (AMR) infections